2019-now Part-time Software Engineer at
IQUA Robotics doing product validation and testing, end-user
training, databases, software architecture development, field trials, and work on EUROFLEETS+ european project.
2021-now Part-time Software Engineer at
Tramacsoft GmbH, working in deep learning applications for several
Previous Work
2006-2011 Bachelor with honors in Industrial Engineering on at
Universitat de Girona (UdG)
From second year until fifth and last year, joined the
Product, Process and Production Engineering Research Group (GREP)
working first on lathe and EDM processes, and later on 3D printing processes with a Fab@Home and a
RepRap printers. Participated in the
national project IBE-RM and the European project IREBID. Defended the BSc Project titled Design
and manufacture of a new tracheal stent using additive manufacturing
2011-2013 Erasmus Mundus Master in Computer Vision and Robotics
(VIBOT) at University of Burgundy, Universitat de Girona and Heriot-Watt University. One semester on
each of the universities and a semester for the Master Thesis .
On the summer between the two-year master, joined the
Underwater Robotics Research Center (CIRS) for an intership on the
framework of the European project TRIDENT. Returned on the last semester for the Master Thesis
Realtime AUV Terrain Based Navigation with Octomap.
2013-2018 PhD in Technology in the Underwater
Robotics Research Center (CIRS).
Participated actively in many national (3DAUV, ARCHROV, COMAROB) and European projects (MORPH,
September 2014: Team leader of the Universitat de Girona team in the underwater robots
Eurathlon. The competition took place in La Spezia (Italy) in
installations of the CMRE. After five days of competition in various tasks like long range navigation,
wall following, structure inspection,
manipulation and mapping, the Girona team was proclaimed winner of the competition having achieved four
first places and one second place on the five proposed tasks with the Sparus II AUV.
September 2015: Research stay of 3 months at the
Marine Robotics group of the
Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR) at the
University of Sydney under the supervision of professor Stefan B.
Williams. I also had the opportunity to participate in a sea mapping campaign at the Great Barrier of
Reef with SIRIUS AUV and IVER AUV.
November 2018: Obtained the PhD in Technology with Cum Laude from Universitat de Girona
with the thesis titled Online Acoustic Localization
for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,
where a range-only localization method is used to correctly localize a docking station, and a Hilbert
Map continuous occupancy representation is used to build a SLAM method that provides maps usable for
online path-planning.
I love nature and many cultural traditions. I try to go hiking as often as possible and at least once a year on
a long route through the Pyrenees. I have been involved in many non-profit organizations as a volunteer. The
first one was in the Esplai el
Pas (scouts) since I was little and then continued leading other children. Regarding tradition, I joined two
groups of Diables (RatpenatsInfernals and DiablesFolls), that prepare celebrations with fire and fireworks on
the streets. Also joined
the Xoriguers de la UdG human towers group when I started Bachelor at UdG. I also joined and helped during the
first years of the Castellers de l'Alt Maresme, another human towers group near my hometown.